Monday, April 19, 2010

Great time to be Graduating

According to this article it is a great time to be younger worker with tons of drive. This article explains how companies where downsizing are keeping the cheaper and younger employees who go above and beyond expectations. Considering all of us our currently in school it is possible that we will be entering the workforce at a perfect time for college graduates.


  1. I agree that this is a great time for younger workers with tons of drive, that are also currently employed. However, our age group has the highest unemployment rate and that will only increase with more upcoming grads looking for jobs. Most of these people will not have an opportunity to demonstrate their ambition because firms may still be waiting to hire. Also, these younger and more efficient workers are actually adding to this problem by making firms more efficient, which isn't bad for consumers but is bad if you need to make some bank.

  2. While the economic situation that is allowing young, inexperienced workers to get more involved and take on more challenging tasks may be beneficial to building the worker’s skill set, I worry about the ramifications of this situation. While, Genna Mazor, the woman in the article who took on much greater responsibilities without greater pay, was later rewarded for her extra work, this will surely not be the case for everyone. With companies so desperate to cut costs, and the demand for jobs so high, I worry that companies will be able to take advantage of the situation and overwork their workers without ever increasing their pay.

  3. On the surface it looks as though this is a great time to graduate and be employed as a recent graduate. However, I agree with Adam in the sense that unemployment rate will most likely continue to rise in our age group with new hiring and less available jobs.

  4. This is great news for all of the college students who are currently in school, especially for those who are in school for one more year. I believe that we will see the job market open up since the Baby boomers are expected to retire in the near future. This will also have a large effect to how the job market will open.

  5. I sounds great, yet I believe the reason is that the young have opportunity because of their enthusiasm which allow them to volunteer taking extra tasks. The current unemployment rate is about 9.7, which is still high, making me doubt the chances of new graduate student this year. The situation may be known in a few more months, let wait then.

  6. Many young workers are taking on responsibilities that they never would have been handed. They are getting more business experience and becoming well respected.

    "When times get bad, what companies are looking for are those employees that will go above and beyond," Mr. Gross says. We can use this piece of advice when we start working!
