Sunday, April 11, 2010

March jobs report shows growth

This article discusses the unemployment rate and where it's headed. March figures show around 160,000 new jobs. This is one of three months that have seen job growth since the recession began, and economists think it's real this time. Even though this number is inflated by the Census Bureau (which hired nearly 50,000 people) and is under the projected number of new jobs, economists are relieved. One very encouraging part of this figure is that 60% of industries saw job growth, indicating a resilient recovery not one fueled by a more rapid recovery by a single industry. The average workweek has also increased by .1 hours, showing that employees are slowly getting back what was cut due to the recession. The number of discouraged job seekers has also decreased by nearly 200,000 which means not only are employers feeling more confident, employees are too. We are working our way upwards and hopefully the new money being put into consumers hands will lead to more spending and further hiring.

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