Saturday, April 17, 2010

33 States Reported Job Growth in March

This article is about the noticeable increase in jobs reported in many states last month. Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania recorded sizable gains in employment in March and were among 33 states posting increases. According to the Labor Department, Maryland led the country with a gain of 35,800 payroll jobs for the month of March. Virginia and Pennsylvania also posted increases that topped 20,000 in the month. There were also a lot of job losses reported in many states. Among these states, Michigan had the most losses. Nevada and Florida also had sizeable job losses. The national unemployment rate still remains at 9.7%.


  1. This is a very good news. Job growth in some states indicates a recovering economy. However, as the national unemployment condition has not changed much, the government should still make efforts to boost the economy. Creating jobs is a difficult task, and instead of focusing on manufacturing industry, we should try to create more job opportunities in the service industry.

  2. This is another good sign for economic recovery. More jobs equals more output which is what is needed to get the economy stabilized.

  3. I am very excited to hear about this! This is an excellent sign that we are headed in the right direction. This is good news for college students, we should even try to use this information and apply for jobs in states that are doing well.
