Monday, April 12, 2010

Jobless one step closer to regaining benefits

by Tami Luhby

A final vote will be taken later on this week by the Senate to determine the passage of a $9.2 billion deal that would give the unemployed the benefits they have enjoyed to date. Republicans delayed the vote on the bill, saying it needed to be paid for. This bill would effect over a million people, and they would stop receiving checks if the bill does not pass.


  1. it is good that the government is taking actions to help the unemployed but if we keep spending money like we are now we will have no way to cover the budget deficit and our economy will really start to suffer much like Greece's

  2. I think that the unemployed should receive aid from the government but for a shorter period of time. As we all know, more unemployment insurance leads to more unemployment, and being that unemployment is the biggest problem in the economy today, then I think that increasing the amount and/or length of unemployment insurance is unacceptable.
