Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Will Greece turn from euros to gyros?

This article is about speculations saying that Greece will leave the euro and create their own form of currency. Personally, I highly doubt that Greece will leave the euro. They are in need of help right now and leaving the euro zone would leave them all alone. That being said, they could be asked to leave.


  1. it might be smart to change to their own currency because since many nations also use the euro it is hard for a struggling nation to create a monetary policy to help them out. if greece does switch to their own currency they will gain more control over their money supply and that could help them to fix there economic situation.

  2. If other countries have problems in the future would they be asked to leave also?
    If the Euro is split into two currencies, what if there ends up being 27, like the article says?

    In either case, the EU would just fall apart. Something may need to be changed in the EU so that there is a set plan of what to do when one country's economy is slower than the rest.

  3. I do not see Greece's incentive to change currencies. I believe that if they were to do this their new currency would be depreciated greatly as views of their economy have turned negative. I think they are experiencing valuable benefits of being a member of the E.U. because of the uncertainty that has been drawn towards them.

  4. Well, I dont think they will leave the euros now because EU and IMD has finally come to decision. There is a "real" bail out for Greek deficit. Here is the news
    -- "the support package would be worth £18-20bn euros if required in an emergency."
