Saturday, March 27, 2010

Health Care Reform Bill Summary: A Look At What's in the Bill

The health care bill will cost 940 dollars over the next ten years. The bill will cover 32 million Americans that are currently uninsured. It will include individuals and families that make between 100 and 400 percent of the federal poverty line. Paying for the bill will come from medicare payroll tax, excise tax, and a tanning tax. The medicare payroll tax will tax individuals that make more than 200,000 and families that make more than 250,000 by 3.8 percent. The excise tax means that insurance companies will pay 40 percent on high-end plans. The tanning tax means that indoor tanning services will pay 10 percent. Hopefully, the increase in government spending will be offset by the increases in taxes, and that national saving won't be affected to badly. However, we will find out what will happen in the future.

1 comment:

  1. It is nice to see a straight factual summary of the health care issue. I do not know if this website has a typical political bias, and do not know enough about the health care debate to tell if any of these facts are obviously partisan tinted, but it seemed like a refreshing reporting of the facts as opposed to a spinning of them.
