Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Bold U.S. Plan to Help Struggling Homeowners

This article discusses the recent plan announced by the financial policy makers at the White House to help people who are still struggling with the mortgage on their house. This plan focuses not only on the seven million people who are behind on their mortgage, but it also helps people who owe more than their house is worth. This plan is designed to help people make payments that they can afford, and it consciously aims to keep people out of debt. The problem with some of the previous plans is after a few months homeowners have ended up right back where they started. These plans also try to keep people in their houses instead of assisting them with selling their house and starting over. The plan is expected to cost 50 billion, but officials stressed that this money will come from funds already set aside for housing relief. None of this money is expected to come from additional tax payers dollars. I think this plan is more promising than some of the other previously proposed because it is more realistic in what it is trying to offer. It isn't thought as an instant fix to our problem, but it slowly and more efficiently assists troubled homeowners.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a great idea. This could potentially reduce the number of foreclosures out there by helping homeowners with their mortgages. It also is great in that it won't cause taxpayers any further headaches!
