Sunday, February 7, 2010

Rebuilding a shattered economy, $50 at a time

This article concerns on how to help Haiti people rebuild their home; it narrates a number of viewpoints of economists or bankers, who are dedicated to restructuring Haiti. First, Neil deMause, the writer, points out that Haiti’s labor market was already plunging in a severe trouble before the Earthquake; it estimated that the unemployment rate was as high as 70%. Therefore, the task of rebuilding Haiti is quite tough and imminent especially after the Earthquake.

It reports that International aid groups have been focused on supplying food and shelter. And, Microlending has gained a more and more important role to help poor areas like Haiti to create a new hopeful life. For example, Fonkoze has already lent microloans to 50,000 in Haiti. According to Hari Srinivas, an expert of the Global Development Research Centre, this activity (microloans) would have a disproportionate effect. And the rest of this article discusses how to make good use of limited cash grants, and help Haiti’s people get sustainable loans, which is a fundamentally solution of Haiti’s big problem.

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