Sunday, February 7, 2010

Google Facing Europe

Google has had a problem in China. But it may have bigger headaches in Europe and now may have a bigger fight in Europe with various issues such as privacy, copyright protection and the dominance of Google’s Internet search engine, the company is clashing with lawmakers, regulators and consumer advocates. The consequences with the issues in Europe outweigh the situation in Asia because Google’s operations in Europe are much larger and more lucrative

Italy has proposed a law making online video services like YouTube liable for invasions of privacy, violations of copyright and other transgressions that occur in user-generated content

The minister of justice for Germany, Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, complained recently about Google’s instinct for “pressing ahead” and its “megalomania.” She said the company was tearing down privacy protections. She also said this in an interview, "On the whole, I see a giant monopoly developing, largely unnoticed, similar to Microsoft."

It will be interesting what has to come with Google and it's issues with privacy and monopolization correlating with it's new products and plans.

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