Sunday, February 7, 2010

I Stopped Looking for Work

This is just a brief story of a woman who has become a discouraged worker. This along with seven other stories all talk about how each one of them are giving up on looking for work. This is quite disheartening to read but it is the truth of what our country is dealing with right now. It is hard for us as college students to look at these kinds of articles and hear about the job market in the "real world".


  1. I agree with Gabrielle in the sense that this article is frustrating to read, especially considering we, as college students, will be in the position to look for a job in the next coming years. Many people throughout the country suffer from this frustration of not being able to find a job. Many people have stopped looking for work, which is affecting the unemployment rate. In fact, the unemployment rate looks like it is declining and as more people decide to stop looking for work, it will continue to decline. This gives the American people false hope, because the unemployment rate does not take into consideration the people without work, not looking for work. Hopefully this won't be the case in a few years or so, with the economy looking as though it is stabilizing. The new hiring of the census workers have helped the employment a bit, but clearly not enough to make a major difference.

  2. This is very discouraging, considering she seems like a very capable and educated woman. She also seemed like she tried really hard and was proactive about her job searching. It will be interesting to see if she eventually gets a job.

  3. This is very frustrating and sad to see how our economy and the people in it have been suffering. It’s scary to think that a capable person like her and with her credentials is struggling to find work. As bad as these times may seem things will eventually get better.

  4. Actually I think at some extent, the way we measure the unemployment rate underestimate the situation. Discouraged workers who stops looking for job for over four weeks are no longer in the labor force. So I think the unemployment condition is much more serious than it seems to be now. It is said that we are experiencing a jobless recovery, but due to the discrepancy between statistic of employed population from households survey and companies survey, we are not sure if this statement is true. Yet it is true that the labor market condition is discouraging.
