Sunday, October 18, 2020

Future of Student Visas in the US

After the election, Trump promised a stricter work visa regime in a bid to create more jobs for Americans workers. His view is that unemployment in the US is high so in order to decrease that number, he must impose stricter rules for students coming from abroad. Trump may be right as this would in fact, create more jobs for Americans which in turn would decrease unemployment. However, what Trump does not realize is that this same policy would work towards creating a downfall to the GDP of the country. Most of the businesses inside the US are worked by many international people. Even big companies like Facebook, Apple and Amazon have many managers, software developers that come from places in Asia like India, Pakistan and China. Decreasing the labor force would help increase employment for Americans but at the same time, it would also increase demand for labor and hence, even though income would go higher, it would mean that there would be lesser productions hence lesser products sold. If businesses do not thrive the way they have been running for a long time, it would not only specifically affect those businesses by making them let go of their opportunities to get the best employees from all over the world, it would also affect the country as a whole by decreasing consumer’s expenditure that would have been spent on productions made. This country was built on freedom yet there seems to be no freedom for people who are not nationals. Do you guys think unemployment is a more pressing matter than GDP? Or in other words, is Trump right about this or Biden? Citation: Online, E. T. (2020, October 1). The current status and likely future course of various work & student visas in US. The Economic Times.

1 comment:

  1. I would say that both are pressing issues. I think that both could be solved however. By allowing more students from abroad, them being employed here would help GDP growth and hopefully lead to more jobs being made available for all in the US.
