The article starts out by discussing how the government has been unable to pass another stimulus bill before the elections, which will cause more damage to the economy. With the focus on the elections now, there is less likely to be a solution for struggling businesses until possibly next year. Additionally, the outcome of the elections is expected to scramble the politics of the stimulus bill, causing a further delay. Waiting for increased unemployment benefits, helping small businesses, health efforts to fight against Covid, and increased funding will cause even more damage to the economy. While we have seen some improvement, growth is still low, with expectations to recover as late as the end of 2021. Additionally, U.S. economist Beth Ann Bovino said the labor market is not expected to fully recover until 2024. The predictions are only based on another stimulus bill.
Do you believe these predictions are accurate and require another stimulus bill?
I think that with the election so close a stimulus bill will not be through. However if Trump wins there might be a stimulus in the future however if Biden wins I do not see Trump working towards a stimulus so it will be postponed until Biden takes office. I also think that a stimulus geared more towards struggling businesses could help a lot of people out indirectly.