Sunday, September 29, 2019

The White-Collar Job Apocalypse That Didn’t Happen

This article states that there was originally a concern that office jobs in the United States would follow factory jobs by moving overseas, however, new research is suggesting otherwise. It claims that the jobs may just be moving to different parts of the country. Globalization has severely damaged American manufacturing and recently, economists were warning those who were in a white collar jobs, that offshoring may occur to them as well. Globalization is scary, especially for the employees. It comes with many new possible issues to deal with. If they have a family, will they move their entire family? Will they need to learn a new language to live in a new country across the world? How will they tell their spouse and children? Companies consider doing this in order to pay their workers less than what they already do in the United States.
Many companies started to realize the issues with moving across the country. They noticed that the language barrier, time differences, and legal hurdles are sometimes not worth the move in the long run. Instead, those companies started looking at different places to go within the country that would be less expensive. My question is, why not go somewhere where most people know a common language and where tax laws are more lenient instead of staying within the country?

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