Trump's administration has thrived over the idea of expelling immigrants. Trump claims to be hiring 10,000 immigrant enforcement agents to crack down on the illegals. But studies show that the farming industry would be greatly effected. Because most farmers aren't willingly to pay more or will they better working conditions, thus it doesn't attract the American worker. Studies show that most of famers workers are illegal immigrants and by taking them away it would only cause farmers to stop going fruits and vegetables. They would find things that are easier to harvest and that require less workers. Studies also show that the effect of illegal immigrants doesn't really harm the chances of the under educated American worker. But what we don't know is the effect it will have on the economy if we loose all the immigrants who are willing to work for a lot less and are willing to do jobs most Americans won't. The one study found that during Obama's term when he focused on immigrants; the areas like Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Virginia where the most immigrants were expelled from. The American born worker ended up to be the one that suffered the most. Loosing the immigrants, made farms loose their production and they couldn't find a way to maintain the production they once had. Farms had to shut down because they weren't reaching profitable output.
Because Trump is cracking down on immigrants there has been less immigrants to cross the border than what he is saying. If Trump keeps moving in this direction of immigration then we will suffer the most in the agricultural industry the most, but many other industries as well. Trump is pushing in such a way that over 1 million people could be deported or loose their temporary citizenship overnight. Then, our economy would truly suffer.®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=8&pgtype=sectionfront
Immigrants also provide a lot of services at a low cost in the US. These costs would rise if immigrants leave the country -- pushed out by Trump's policies.