Sunday, October 29, 2017

Puerto Rico’s Governor Calls for Whitefish Energy Contract to Be Canceled

It has been more than a month that have been struck by Hurricane Maria and are still suffering as most of the islands remain without power and many residents are not happy about the progress. Puerto Rico Governor awarded a small company from Montana (Whitefish) to come in and help rebuild the islands electrical infrastructure however, today ‘Governor Rossello said he was asking the board of the island’s power authority to immediately cancel its contract with Whitefish. Many critics have raised question on why they did not request aid from the mainland instead of paying $300 million to rebuild. “After natural disasters, power companies on the mainland often get help from other companies under mutual-aid agreement”.


  1. The sheer damage done by all of the hurricanes in the past two months has been catastrophic for some countries (to say the least), so it's very sad to hear that Puerto Rico continues to struggle like this. Although, tt makes me wonder if they cancelled the project due in part to Tesla's offer to help rebuild instead.

  2. It's disappointing to hear that Puerto Rico is still struggling hard, and they're not getting much attention from the mainland. I hope the situation gets better for them shortly.

  3. There has been huge controversy over this deal in regards to connections between Whitefish and Ryan Zinke. The Puerto Rican government is refusing aide because there is bad hype in the media. The current power grid is in such bad shape that they don't even know how many people are without power. Although the circumstances of how the deal was made might be shady and it might be hard for such a small company to do all the work. But any aide at this point is better than nothing. The economy of Puerto Rico will continue to suffer until they get their power grid back up and taking any help it can get would be a good idea.

  4. It's sad to hear puerto rico continuing to struggle after getting hit by hurricane Maria. The fact that the majority of the island is still without power after month shows that major changes need to be may to infrastructure in their electrical grid.

  5. It is tragic to hear that Puerto Rico is still suffering from the disasters the hurricanes caused. It is very odd that they offered $300 million for aide, rather than to ask for help. The low amount of power available will continue to hurt Puerto Rico's economy. It will take a very long time for the country to get back to where it was at this pace.
