Sunday, November 13, 2016

Trump's Presidency and Foreign Economies

The news of Trump becoming President made many people discouraged.  However, Russia is not among those people because it's economy would be one of the few to be positively affected by his presidency.  According to the IMF, last year, Russia's GDP fell by 3.7% and is going to fall even more this year.  "Mr Trump’s victory raises the chances that economic sanctions imposed by the West, following Russian interference in Ukraine, will be lifted. That will give the economy an extra fillip."

Trump's presidency may also benefit other damaged economies that are able to rebound such as Egypt, Argentina, and Pakistan.  Similarly, with China, "...If the wave of populism that spawned Brexit and now elected Mr Trump engulfs the euro area, China might even begin to look like a refuge for rich-world investors."


  1. It will be interesting to see how his presidency will affect other countries. I could see one of the biggest changes coming to be the price of oil and coal, making them much more competitive. If the US tears up climate agreements other countries will too, hence more profit for carbon based goods like oil.

  2. It will be very interesting to see if Trump can separate the Chinese and U.S. economies which are so intertwined by debt, bonds, and import/exports.

  3. It is interesting to see how Trump's policies will affect the Russian Economy. Since the GDP of Russia has been declining, it is interesting to see how Donald Trump's presidency could positively help their declining GDP

  4. Trump's connection to Putin, even before he has stepped in the oval office, is something that is interesting to watch when trying to evaluate the Russian government. Russia is struggling and the odd support of Trump from Putin throughout his campaign is further evidence that Russia is in need of serious help.
