Sunday, November 13, 2016

Trump Vs. ObamaCare

Our new president Donald Trump since he began running for the 2016 election continuously stated that he was against Obamacare and that he was going to delete and make a healthcare plan of his own. The day after the election the president seemed to feel differently about what he reiterated multiple times before and he has indicated that he may keep two of the laws most popular provisions. One being straightforward, and that was children up to age 26 being allowed to stay on their parents healthcare plan.  The other that Trump indicated that he may keep was preventing insurance companies from denying coverage because of preexisting conditions this offers a perfect illustration of why Trump nor does any of his supporters understand what exactly Obama did with Obamacare and the change to healthcare that he's established being one of the biggest things he is known for in his eight years in office. Though Trump has addressed that he may keep Obamacare a lot of his supporters have raised eyebrows because they're looking at is as him already changing what he stated was bad for our economy by not giving every one the same rates. "Every American deserves access to high quality, affordable health care, not just insurance. Obamacare has failed on cost and quality of healthcare. It must be repealed. America needs a patient centered health care system, allowing families and their doctors to be primary decision makers. Provide for the sale of health insurance state lines. Obviously depending on what side you are on you will have a different opinion of what's transpiring in front of us. Democrats feel that the Affordable Care Act - Obamacare was huge for their party, and helped a lot of poor people and old people to have a way out and not just left out to die because they cant afford health insurance. Republicans feel its a huge burden not only to our economy, but a head ache for the actually healthcare agencies themselves. Runaway cost, websites that don't work, greater rationing of care, higher premiums, less competition and ultimately fewer choices. The way I see it from our economy there is less competition and fewer choices since Obamacare, but Obamacare gave a lot of people a way out and demonstrated that all of our people meant something to our country and that they deserved healthcare as well. By Trump stating that he may keep a couple of things shows that he also may have some of the same Democratic views. As our new President he has every right to make decisions and seems like he is leveling the playing field by making negotiations. But this choice will be looked at differently by each party.


- TraVon


  1. I read an article on CNN that Trump plans to revise Obamacare rather than dismiss it completely.

  2. Hopefully a bipartisan solution can be found that will still help low income citizens receive quality healthcare, but also not be such an inefficient burden on the government and taxes payers.
