Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Energy Investment Increment


Lots of countries are investing in Solar power, since it is considered as a practical source of electricity, after fossil fuel.

China is investing in a massive amount in installation of solar panels, ranking number 1 in renewable energy investment. The United States got the second place and Japan right behind them. Surprisingly America is behind China in investment of renewable energy. Moreover we could view that China is planning to boost their economy in various ways: Recently China announced the increased pace of railroad construction and reducing the taxes of small firms. At this rate, China might have a great increase in economy growth rate after 2~4 years. Moreover China would probably create a more cleansed environment over time. Quantitatively China is putting way more effort than any other country. The difference in investment between China (#1) and The United States (#2) is more than $10 billion. America also is a massive producer of industrial pollution and one of the largest energy consuming nations, thus an additional investment is required. Fossil fuels are depleting and it is time for every country to consider an establishment of system of renewable energy production.

1 comment:

  1. I agreewith this idea. Every resourse is limited,and the goverment is very sure about that, but they use the resourse as if they don't know the resourse is limited. China and America have huge land. This is very useful for solor energy and other renewable energy. For example, Japan doesn't have any resourse and the land is so small. Investment for renewable energy is expensive,so we just rely on a nuclear power. However, as you say, every country have to think about next energy to support our lives.
