Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Climate Panel Sees Global Warming Impacts on All Continents, Worse to Come

Global warming is becoming an issue of increasing importance as it has altered the environment and natural resources that are used daily to produce goods. Global warming continues to change animal migration patterns, precipitation patterns, and crop yields. Although global warming has only accounted for small number of animal extinctions, many species are moving from their natural habitat and are reproducing in different quantities. Crop yields for the most part are negatively impacted in lower latitude regions (where most crops are grown). These disruptions to food production and water supply act as a supply shock. Economies across the world have to deal with extreme weather conditions that negatively impact their output, which in the short run causes the prices of those goods to increase. These shocks to food production across the world show that ecosystems across the world are very delicate and are extremely vulnerable to climate-related changes.


  1. It is clear that global warming does have several negative effects on the environment. I already knew that it effected food production and water supply, however I was unaware of the effects that it had on the economy. It'd make sense that output and prices are both negatively effected by it. I honestly think that it would be difficult to find a pure solution for this issue. It would certainly help if the use of clean energy is encouraged.

  2. I agree with Dylan completely. Clean energy is definitely something that could help; however, it will be difficult to find a solution to deal with global warming. In order to combat this international problem, it will require a full commitment internationally. By reducing air pollution and being aware of water pollution, we can start working on lowering global warming. The problem with this is that getting many people to agree and do something is very difficult - nearly impossible. The world would have to take baby steps by having one or two countries develop policies at a time, and it would take a lot of time to lower global warming.

  3. I am always gratified to see that people are beginning to take account of the economic impact of global warming. While some might argue against its existence, the impacts it has on our food sources is undeniable.
