Sunday, April 6, 2014

Chinese tourists boost U.S. businesses

       With the development of globalization, the whole world is becoming smaller and smaller. People would like to spend their time traveling abroad with improvement of life quality, especially Chinese people. According to the U.S. Commerce Department, there were almost 1.5 million tourists visiting United States in 2012. Comparing to under 400,000 visitors in 2007, it is a huge jump. These tourists spent almost $9 billion in the United States in 2012.

      Needless to say, rich Chinese boost U.S. business. Shopping is the biggest activity they enjoy. In particular, they would like to spend a lot of money on luxury. Not only the luxurious bags, dresses, jewelry but also houses. 


  1. US tourism was affected strongly after the 9/11 attacks. Tourists started vacationing in the European countries(Europe spends a billion dollars on promotion of tourism) and thus it affected USA tourism badly.
    USA doesn't spend money on tourism and earning a revenue of $9billion in 2012 through Chinese tourists alone, is very impressive.
    Tourism creates jobs. There should be a federal policy on tourism that will promote tourism and attract the rising middle class.

  2. This is a neat situation regarding our nation's position in global economy. While America has decreased exports of many labor intensive/low value goods, it is cool to see a possible "backside" of this. Our exporting of production overseas has helped create many wealthy foreigners who then "give back" a little when they choose to vacation and shop in the United States.

  3. It is true that Chinese do help boost the US economy significantly. America is a hotspot for foreigners come, which is great for the economy. America is not only a tourism place, but it is a place where many people want to actually live, which we see from how Chinese people enjoy finding homes here as well. 1.5 million people coming to the US in a year is really strong; however, some European countries get many more tourists. When you think about Spain and Italy, you think purely of tourism.

  4. The US has to invest in making tourist attractions like Niagara Falls, The Grand Canyon, and other popular places. GDP would significantly increase. Finding a way to market these places even more in places like China and other Asian countries would boost our economy, creating jobs and raising salaries, thus creating a higher standard of living in the US

  5. Now, attracting tourists is big deal to grow the economy. The govement may think about the exchange rate for tourists because that is so important for tourists. Also, the goverment should think the strategy how to attract tourists. For example, Japan also try to increase the number of tourists. To do that, the local goverment sets English announcement in a public institution and arrange the people who can speak English in tourist hotel and a noted place.

  6. The markets for tourist location needs to increase and if that happens I feel like the tourist growth could be a lot more then it already is. With different places in skiing and places to visit in the united states, there could be a huge increase with tourist even with the big number.

  7. Tourism is crucial to improve the American economy. Through overseas advertisement and investment, America's natural landscapes such as the Grand Canyon can be promoted which may result in an increase tourism from around the world. This will lead to an increase in employment in the service sector and reducing unemployment rates.
