Sunday, March 23, 2014

Unemployed may never work again

This article discusses ideas surrounding the fact that the longer one is unemployed, the harder it becomes to secure a job.  One idea is that those that remain unemployed for long periods of time are older and more educated, thus making their services more expensive and harder to sell.  They may have more experience, but price often wins over skill.  Another idea is that employers discriminate against long term unemployment because it can be taken as an indication of laziness.


  1. One other consideration to make would be the idea that as technology begins to take off, older people that have been unemployed for awhile may begin to fall behind and no longer meet job requirements as their skills are no longer relevant.

  2. I also think we should consider how old is older, if they are talking about people that are going to retire in a few years they might not work again, because as you become older its is harder and more stressful to find a job so they might just retire early to not put themselves through that stress.

  3. Is young worker always better worker for the company? I don't think so. Perhaps, older people are need to higher wage and difficult to get new skill than young people, but older people have some experience and can contribute the company. So, each company should replace the stereotype for older worker

  4. I agree with Kyle. Technology might make it much harder for older workers to find new jobs because they might not be as educated in the technology due to the fact that they have not had a job for awhile. Also, because some of the workers that have been unemployed longer are older, employers might not want to hire them because they can hire a younger worker for cheaper and they will be employed for a longer period of time. Older workers might have more skills to make their work more expensive for employers, and they also might not be able to work as many years as a younger worker might.

  5. Technology is really changing the working environment and when the older workers are not as good with the technology as the younger workers that puts them at a greater advantage. But one problem for the older workers is they look for the job like they most recently had instead of taking a pay cut to get a new job and work back up.
