Monday, March 24, 2014

Arizona may allow Tesla Sales

Many states have passed laws to not allow Tesla electric cars to be sold with many dealerships not wanting them to be around.  Arizona is bypassing the dealerships and going straight for the consumers to sell this new electric car.  They say that the location for a factory in Arizona would bring in around 6,500 jobs to the area, although the model is illegal in other states, could Tesla be the next big change in the car industry?


  1. Hard to say what the future is for cars. I have herd that Tesla cars will be created a more affordable model for people looking for a lower price point. Some would say that coal as a source of energy will be gone in 50 years, so other areas of energy will be necessary in all areas.

  2. This law shows how it can create unfair competition within the car industry. It is forcing people to buy in a restricted market not for their own god, but for the profit for a few. This restricts consumer choice in the car market.
