Sunday, March 30, 2014

Protesters occupy Taiwan parliament over China trade deal

This article states that university students have occupied the parliament of Taiwan illegally in protest to the trade deals with China that will allow more investment into Taiwan by China as part of the ECFA  FTA between China and Taiwan.
Many Taiwanese citizens oppose the deal politically because of fear of closer ties with China which will undermine their national sovereignty, as well as economically. Many fear that when China's businesses come in, this will put many Taiwanese businesses, especially small businesses out of business. They are also afraid that it will be easier for Chinese labor to cross the border and find jobs. This will put many people out of work as Chinese labor is cheaper.

What do you think about this trade deal? Will it truly harm Taiwan more than it will benefit Taiwan? Or is this trade deal necessary for a small open economy like Taiwan where exports is its main source of National Income?


  1. I don't think the trade with China will truly harm Taiwan. As we have learned before, trade can make both parties better off. The coming businesses of China will stimulate Taiwan's businesses to be more competitive rather than crowding them out. The open economy will promote development and we should rationally treat it.

  2. I think that the trade will hurt Taiwan. Like what was said in the article, chinese labor is much cheaper so domestic jobs will be taken by these big chinese companies and the unemployment rate will go up in taiwan. So in this case, I would have to agree with the students protesting.
