Sunday, March 30, 2014

Is walmart Serious about boosting the minimum wage

The largest retailer in the world employs about 1% of all private sector workers in the U.S.A. and is taking a neutral stance on the debate over minimum wage. Walmart says that they will only oppose the bill if it unfairly targets them. Otherwise they will remain neutral. It will be interesting to see how the world's largest retailer will react to the puch for a higher minimum wage.Will they be a leader and support the raise in minimum, or will they be a detriment  to the success of millions?


  1. I don't think Walmart's neutral stance is anything abnormal. The company has taken a lot of heat over its treatment of employees but at the same time, their ruthless drive to cut costs make things much more affordable for low-income citizens.

  2. Walmart has a very haunting past when it comes to public relations. Even with minimum wage raises it will barely affect generated revenue. Every time I walk into one of the Walmart stores I feel terrible for the greeter. They not only receive minimum wage but gain no benefits because they are only part time. This company should be the last to complain about raising the minimum wage.

  3. I agree. Also, something to consider is that if there are minimum wage hikes equally across the board - it would impact other companies just the same. Congress / Federal Reserve is the only medium than can act as an intermediary between all companies and get them to raise their minimum wage prices together - otherwise they will continue to compete with one another for the lowest prices.
