Monday, April 29, 2013

Penguins on the NYSE floor?

As SeaWorld made its debut at the Stock exchange on Friday there was a lot of promise. The stock closed on Friday 13 percent higher than its opening value. But the stock exchange is not the last stop for SeaWorld's expansion plan.James Atchinson, CEO and president of Seaworld, hinted at global expansion of SeaWorld. Currently there are 11 SeaWorlds that are in operation in the United States. Atchinson hinted at going global by saying "It wouldn't be that hard if we decided to bring Shamu to Dubai." In order to raise this kind of capital to build an oversea SeaWorld Atchinson talked about teaming up strategically with a real estate developer. Usually big projects such as this are undertaken with big investors.

Who knows. Mr Atchinson made no imminent declaration of a foreign SeaWorld but it sounds promising. With Blackstone Group know owning SeaWorld the possibilities are endless and there has been plenty of talk about raising capital. Maybe one day this idea will be a reality but for now Shamu will continue to stay in the United States.


  1. It would not be the first theme park to request stock equity. Disney has been doing it for years and now has parks all over the globe. Zoos are popular so why wouldn't SeaWorld manage?

  2. SeaWorld will be able to manage, that is if they are able to bring Shamu into play with their plans. Everybody wants to go see Shamu. This will be great for our economic stand point because then their will be more jobs that are created. We need to teach the people who are going to stay working at SeaWorld all about how SeaWorld works. This will help everyone in the long-run.
