Sunday, April 28, 2013

Austerity in Greece causes increasing divisions among MPs


Greek Parliament has seek to cut 15,000 government jobs by the end of next year, as a condition for a new trench of loans worth 8.8 bn euros. European leaders will be meeting on Monday to discuss the release of 2.8bn euros (the remaining 6bn will be paid by the 13th of May). The bill passed by 168 votes to 123, displaying an increasingly divided parliament. As the bill was being discussed, demonstrations took place outside the government building calling for an end to austerity measures and condemning the overturning of a law that guaranteed government servants a job for life. Austerity in Greece has been reaching its limits, causing now nothing but increasing unemployment, civil unrest and divisions among government representative, which could potentially destroy the political integrity of Greece and plunge its society into chaos and anarchism in the case of a fall of the democratic regime by divisive forces within then leadership strata.

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