Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Why are so many people leaving jobs?

People are quitting? In this economy?

A recent study by Accenture reports:
1) They don’t like their boss (31%),
2) A lack of empowerment (31%),
3) Internal politics (35%) and
4) Lack of recognition (43%)
I think enjoying the job you are working in now, and that you are going to be working in for some time, is one of the most important things to both your productivity and life happiness. It is still interesting to me that people are willingly leaving their jobs in an economy such as ours, where people are struggling to even find one job. Though I think one thing they omit in this article is that the people leaving this job have a great opportunity to find another because of their education (skill) and their previous work experience. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with why is said above, being happy with your job is the most important thing. Seeing the reasons why people are leaving their positions, they are justifiable. It looks like companies need to adopt new, better programs, perhaps even better training (to teach managers and bosses how to be better at what they do, enabling employees to be better at what they do), and having a more encouraging workplace environment. Psychological studies have proven that happier people perform better, increasing the companies' productivity overall. Therefor, the companies' efforts are worthwhile. Some people leave because it really is that miserable for them, the opportunity cost of them leaving being less than if they stayed. In fact, sometimes it is more beneficial to the company and the employee for them to quit. Some people get to the point that they are so miserable that their performance is holding the company back, keeping a position from a much more enthusiastic potential employee.
