Saturday, March 16, 2013

Billionaires Dumping Stocks and What is to Come

The article states that many billionaires who often work the stock market are now "cashing out" and leaving in preparation for either a huge correction in the stock market or in preparation for contractionary policies in businesses as there will be few dividends being issued. What may happen to the rest of the market as these expectations come into play remains to be seen. As we all know, expectations shape the market a lot. So it is possible that the lack of confidence may hurt more than help in the long run, but that's one girl's opinion.


  1. With big name people cashing out will cause an uproar and has gotten national recognition. There will soon be a trend of everyone cashing out, which will eventually weaken our economy even more. The more wealthy person may look to invest his money into something a little more safe than playing the stock market. My expectation is to see majority of the people cashing out soon due to what is to come. As stated "expectations shape the market".

  2. I agree that due to the "cashing out" by many billionaires, there will be a trend of more people cashing out, which will eventually weaken our economy. Once people see big names taking out their stocks, they will be scared and forced to follow in their foot steps. People are to scared to lose their money so they will follow the trend.

  3. It is interesting how it is the billionaires who are shaping the economy and less the general everyday consumer. Granted, they do hold a higher proportion of the stocks in the market but still it is almost frightening how much of a sway the "big name" investors have over the public.
