Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Republicans Consider Breaking No-Tax Vow as Deadline Looms

This article talks about some Republicans that are willing to change their original stance on taxes as they see the turmoil that is unfolding in Europe. This is also because of the November 23rd deadline of Congress' Bipartisan super committee is approaching quickly and no mention of anything happening has been brought up. They must find 1.5 trillion dollars from the budget and some Republicans are willing to make some changes and compromise with Democrats. We'll see if it's all talk or will they make it happen.


  1. I would say it's about time, but that was a while ago. The fact that the "super committee" is proof in its own that Congress is full of politicians that are just unwilling to cooperate to the point where they had to allocate the problem elsewhere. Let's hope a super duper committee never exists.

  2. Its unfortunate that politicians consistently put their personal agenda before the rest of America. I'm glad members of congress on both sides of the aisle are swallowing their egos and putting America first.
