Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Bell Ringers Go Digital This Season

After reading this article now I see the importance about adaptation since technology is always improving. The company/organization/ business have to cater to their customer's needs same as the Salvation Army in this article.
They realized that people don't really carry cash anymore so this year they will use Square a mobile start up payments which allow them to take credit cards. So that people won't have any excuse not to donate. Some other organization have started using Square as well, it brought great feedback. By accepting donations by credit card it can eliminate theft too.
When I went to a farmer market down in Columbus I started to see small merchants using this technology as well.

1 comment:

  1. This will likely be a very good thing for the Salvation Army, as well as many other organizations. People don't carry much cash anymore, but it seems like older methods of charging credit cards are too slow and cumbersome for people. This Square system could be just what organizations like the Salvation Army need to keep up with the times.
