Sunday, November 13, 2011

The democratic votebank

This is a great article that talks about how Obama and the democrats aim at the majority of the minority.
Great article on how things were, how they look now and how they might be in the future for American Politics.


  1. By looking at the past elections in Ohio, we can see that Ohio is seemingly split between conservative and liberal policies. Senate bill 5 was repealed by an incredible majority, around 60% - 65%, however, the amendment to Ohio's constitution concerning opting out of Obama's health care plan was approved by 65%-68%. It'll be interesting to see how Obama campaigns in Ohio as well as the next GOP nominee. Historically, as the article stated, Ohio generally carries the general public opinion in the US.

  2. A coalition of minorities would be heavily in favor of the Democratic party due to their favorable ideology. However, Obama needs to improve on the economy and get some time of job growth going for him to have a secure chance of wining the next election. However, with all this partisanship going on, having something like that happen is very unlikely.

  3. This is a great article. I really wish that people would quit worrying about the election so much. However, I understand that it is a big one but so was the last. I really want people to look and see what Obama has done as a whole for our country. He's done the best that he can give the turmoil within our political system a republican would have been stuck in the same situation.

  4. saying that a republican would have done nothing is not an opinion.
    I Obama is concentrating on things that dont matter like healthcare, abortion etc. What you really need to do is to care about the down and dirty carriers of the economy...

  5. What is really needed is dirty investment in things the pvt sector stays out of like railways, and other infrastructure... This is something that Obama has also stayed out of...
    I feel that the president has to think way above the general public however Obama is just thinking along the same lines as a layman and hence appealing to a lot of Americans...

  6. I feel like things like railways which the pvt sector would not really invest in is where Obama should dip his beak. These are the long term reducers of unemployment as they increase labour mobility... He got into office by attracting laymen and now he is popular among the laymen but the president should be above all of them...

  7. Hopefully growth will continue to improve the unemployment rate by election time, but there's always the chance that the Mayans were right.

  8. It's the economists favourite narrative again, "Obama has tacked to far to the left he needs to come to centre and compromise". All the while ignoring the fact that Obama has been playing centrist since he got elected (if it were Europe he would be on the centre right) and he got burned trying to compromise with rabid republicans.

    Furthermore this weeks elections show the left isn't the proverbial dead horse it's alive and kicking and the republicans are doing a good job of getting them energised and to ignore their anger at Obamas rather tepid centrism.

    America's political problem isn't Obama and the democrats shifting to the left, its a GOP that's gone so far to the right that it cannot compromise let alone acknowledge that they live in a pluralistic society. For an economics minded magazine to chastise Obama and the democrats when the GOP is pushing a right wing agenda which they are unwilling to compromise on even to the detriment of the global economy (I.e. the debt ceiling) is disingenuous at best and downright biased at worst.

  9. It indeed is a good article but only time will tell how the future of American politics will look like. Hopefully new jobs will be created and sustained growth will be achieved.
