Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Bill Clinton's plan to save the economy.

This is a GREAT video about Bill Clinton's plan to save the American economy.
In the video, he lays out a pretty simple, but sensible plan to save the economy.
One of the things he stresses is lowering the corporate tax, something you rarely hear from a Democrat.
Just recently, Dr. Tecklenberg spoke about creating jobs in America for the mock convention and suggested the same exact thing.
Clinton believes that jobs will come when American corporations can be competitive and can bring back high-end manufacturing jobs.
He admits that although he did raise corporate taxes when he was president, that was only because the U.S. rates were still in the middle somewhere.
Now that the rates are much higher than other countries, the U.S. should lower corporate taxes and bring back jobs AND raise tax revenue, not by raising tax rates, but giving growth to the economy.


  1. Another key note to Former President Clinton's increase in the tax code, was that he had the economy during a major boom in the 90s. Interestingly, he did what most economists would say to do in an expansion, increase taxes, cut government spending. I would say according to our models, neither of those are a good idea in a recession or weak recovery, that we have now

  2. Middle class in the West was never built by government, it was built by capitalism, which allowed people to stop being subsistence farmers and required large numbers of more educated employees. Middle class is a function of capitalism and government only destroys it.

  3. I really like this plan. If we could just get congress to agree on something that takes action instead of just continually compromising on everything so much that the original bill is changed so much that there is no benefit to it. There is something wrong with our politics that needs to be changed. If we could trust our politicians to agree on things for the betterment of America instead of gain for their political party things would greatly change.
