Thursday, November 10, 2011

Attention College Grads: Protesting Won't Get You a Job Read more:

This article has an interesting take on the "Occupy Wallstreet" protests. The author suggests that frustrated college grads expected their diplomas would produce the job of their dreams. Though I know the protests are ideologically deeper than that, I still think the job search advice the author gives is a good suggestion of what mindset you should have when talking with a potential employer and the search in general.


  1. I agree college degrees only qualified you for that specific job but not entitled to the job. Some people misinterpret it. In this rough times its harder to find jobs even though you paid so much for a degree and spent so much time and energy on it.

  2. In a time when highly-qualified workers are losing jobs in the recession too, it is rather immature to assume that your alma mater is responsible for your inability to get a job. Students choose where to attend school on a number of different bases, and if they think this decision was wrong, need to either change it or stand by it. Students need to put more thought into their degrees and choose wisely, instead of just going to school because you think you should.

  3. Somehow the problem is not at the university level but at high school level... The public schools pamper these kids and do everything they can to grease their road to a diploma, and by the time they get to college they have a distorted sense of entitlement and work ethic.

  4. I agree that college degree's don't entitle you to a job they just help you get a job that doesn't require you to break your back everyday. However, people perceive college in this light that if you go someone will hand you a job that pays 100,000 dollars a year. When all the degree does is help you find a less physically taxing and higher paying job that you are qualified in.

  5. It is true that a BA degree cannot ensure anything, especially in today's united states. With the high unemployment rate, and huge amounts of imported labor forces, it is not easy for graduates to attain a favorable job.
    Many students are misinterpreting this Wall street Street. This is obviously not the only case. In many countries, the anger of young generation with no job and no hope has become a problem.
