Saturday, November 12, 2011

The all-telling eye

I found this interesting because it tells of a completely new way of doing things - through the technology-human interface. And it could be an entirely new emerging industry in the field of technology. There is a lot of information encoded in facial expression; failure to detect it is the basis of autism dysfunction.

There is WHAT we say, but also HOW we say it that provides subtle secondary pregnant meaning like sarcasm, regret, or sadness.

We assume technology should be strictly robotic and unemotionally. But humans are emotional. And mastering the Technology-Human Interface was the key to Steve Job's success. Yes I smiled when I read some of the details of this fascinating essay. And who does not smile at a well written joke, pun or a word like 'spork'.

There is a 'ton' of meaning that is lost in empty words unattached to facial expressions and gestures. That is why we still have face-to-face meetings in the 21st Century


  1. Even though technology makes our life easier helping us communicate faster but face to face meetings is still very important. The feeling is not the same it gives a more personal vibe.

  2. This would be really cool. But like any new technology it will take awhile for it to really catch on or be priced low enough that people can buy it. But it is a new creative way to help people communicate. I agree that a lot of things are expressed through the face and body movements. I do not however see this as a good idea for advertising because most people are annoyed with them anyway but, who knows.

  3. This type of thing is already being used in the UK to help catch criminals during riots. Very high tech stuff that, like the article says, has multiple applications.

  4. This is cool pretty cool.
    But as people said, I think this technology is kind of creepy too. I agree that the facial telling can make a huge difference, but maybe it is not the time for it to be widely used. Currently only in some area such as crime catching it could get well execuated.
