Saturday, October 22, 2011

Unreasonable Institute Teaches New Paths to Social Missions

This article discusses an organization called the Unreasonable Institute. This institute puts on a program every year that gathers together entrepreneurs who are interested in creating for profit organizations that have social benefits for all different parts of the world. During the program, those that get in also meet with other entrepreneurs and at the end meet with investors to pitch their business plans and potentially gain investors. The idea behind it is that sometimes a for profit organization can succeed where a non-profit organization cannot.

An example of this is given by Ben Lyon. He started an organization that allows microfinancing organizations to receive loan payments on their cell phone. He originally tried to start it as a non-profit organization and was unsuccessful, but he has now successfully started Kopo Kopo Inc, which accomplishes his goal using a for profit organization.


  1. I really like this idea and the objective of this organization since it gives an opportunity for people who have an idea but don't know where to start. At the same time it brings benefits to other people in different places.
    In business and economic term it makes much more sense to gain a profit from what know do rather than making it non profit.

  2. I agree that it is an excellent idea. Not only to make benefits for the society, but also to creat chances for the entrepreneurs to meet and know each other. Other business cooperation chances could be made through this profit-organization cooperation.

  3. This is a great article. I really like where this idea is headed. It helps people not give up their idea's just rethink how they go about creating them. Ben Lyon has a great idea and is making the most of it. He is an innovator who is reshaping business investment. Now, I don't think all business with start investing like this but it is a great alternative.
