Friday, October 21, 2011

India and its new economy

This is just an interesting post about how India is not like a lot of other countries, at the same time it is like a lot of other economies. It talks about where it takes the best part from which economy. Great article to start learning about the Indian economy.


  1. A very interesting and insightful article showing the entrepreneurial side of India. It also shows what is keeping all that entrepreneurial energy back- things like education, the state, corruption and such. Very Interesting article.

  2. hahaaha
    naaice way to get a comment and 2 points

  3. The picture says it all. I feel that the article implicitly talks about the methodology embedded in the chaos that many Indian firms discover as they rise to the top. India, compared to the US, may not have a quick and easy mechanism for a business to burgeon, considering factors such as weak institutions, judiciary and political system, but the article makes it evident that if an entrepreneur has an idea, there will be no stopping him. Though institutional changes are slow to come about, I feel that change in India primarily comes voluntarily from its billion people -- which means that it is a successful democracy. This is India's biggest boon looking ahead in terms of the economy.

  4. This article gives us a good over view of India's economy. Reading this article makes me know more about India. I think that encouraging people to be entrepreneur and having their own business is good for India's economy is the long run.

  5. It's an interesting article.
    Like China, India now has huge gap between the richness and poorness. It reflects both positive and negative information. The good thing is, people here have began to use their technology and business talent to make money, they have the ability to develop fast. The bad thing is, a big amount of normal people are still live a miserable life. The distant has been enlarged and it does cause peoblems.
    People argue that it is just temporary and I agree. A country and an economy needs time to develop into a proper scalr for the population, especially China and India, the most populous countries in the world.

  6. I'm intrigued by the question of whether these recent trends in the Indian businesses are following the American/European model of business or are striking a different path. Certainly there are some similarities to business in US, especially examples from American history, but Indian entrepreneurs also seem to be doing their own thing. It will be interesting to see how Indian business develops in years to come.

  7. It is good to see that India is pulling things together in their economy. It was very interesting to get a look into their economy and the reasons behind their new and improved economy.

  8. It surely is a good article and shows how India is growing so rapidly.
