Saturday, October 22, 2011

Steve Jobs and America's Decline

I think this is a good article but it is a little biased. I think Steve Jobs was "a visionary, the ultimate salesman, charismatic, enlightened, a maverick, a genius, insanely great, a hero, a magician," but his death really won't be the cause of America's decline. If something happens to America, it would be more because of more substantive reason that the death of Steve Jobs.

Nevertheless, it is an interesting article which shows the importance of things like entrapranuership, design, and other things which Steve Jobs embodied. It shows us how ideas are the main essence of everything, not labor, as is seen inscribed on the back of every apple product: "Designed by Apple in California. Made in China." It also sees the potential and highlights the importance of technology in the world.


  1. Interesting article. Like Mikael, I agree that Steve Jobs was a remarkable man, but I would not associate America's decline with his death. This in part, reminds me of the power that few gigantic companies can have on the economy. This in itself can be dangerous, as we have seen in the "too big to fail" attitude of banks that is one primary cause of the current recession. The importance of the government's role in trying to distribute power among institutions, so that none can dominate becomes palpable here.

  2. I agree that it is very scary and dangerous for companies like Apple to have this much impact on our economy.

  3. Apple is surely a typical American corporation, occupying the global market by its creative and stylish design.
    Steve Jobs is also an influential person, by his personalities and achievement. I don't think that Apple has the negative influence by impacting economy and people too much. In contrast, I think it gives young people inspiration to creat and innovate technology, such as encouraging people to develop APP for Apple.

  4. While Apple's market cap is high its overall impact on the economic well being of the average person is fairly minimal. Without it we would have easily substituted mildly less user friendly products and it doesn't employ that many U.S. workers.

  5. I agree that Jobs was an innovator and was an important figure. I disagree that Jobs' death alone will cause America's decline. I do think his death will cause to Apple's decline. Steve Jobs was the essence of Apple. He was the heart and soul of that corporation. He pushed Apple far beyond what anyone that they ever would be. Without Jobs Apple is lost.

  6. I agree that Jobs was exceptional, but I think his death also opens the door for new innovators to rise up.
    I do not agree that Apple is lost because we really need to remember, Jobs isn't the guy who "innovated" all these new products.
    Jobs' legacy remains with the environment and the system he put in place in Apple, something that will continue to be even after Job's death.

  7. All inventors have to die at some point and although it was an unfortuante and early death, these things happen and we cannot use this as an excuse for the decline in the economy. Apple will continue to grow through his ideas and besides the tragic death, I don't believe there will many changes in the company.

  8. Steve Jobs opened doors for people to reach new, and exciting levels. The unfortunate side of all of this is the public's response. The idea that his death would seriously, negatively effect the economy is ridiculous. Steve Jobs was a great man, but lets keep it in perspective:
