Saturday, October 23, 2010

State unemployment picture improves

The economic outlook continues to improve in the fourth quarter of 2010 with a new report out about the unemployment rate in the united states. Twenty-Three states and the district of Columbia reported a drop in their unemployment rate with two states (Illinois, and Mississippi) dropping under ten percent. Of the remaining states eleven had an increase in the unemployment rate, with the rest staying at the same unemployment rate. The National Unemployment rate stayed constant at 9.3% for the third straight month. Nevada continues its five month streak as the state with the highest unemployment at 14.4%, and north Dakota had the nations lowest rate at 3.7%. While the national unemployment rate is still above the normal rate, the fact that states are beginning to drop down under ten percent is a positive sign for the economy as a whole. If people are able to find and hold jobs, it encourages spending which will help the economy recover.

1 comment:

  1. The ratio of 23:11 is a healthy sign in which state economies are beginning to make a turn. However, if the national unemployment rate held constant, those 11 states are hurting much more where the 23 states are improving. One contributing factor to the unemployment picture could be that the skilled workforce is available in those 23 states while the labor resources are slim in those other 11 states. Thoughts?
