Sunday, October 17, 2010

How Blockbuster Failed at Failing

This article is about Blockbuster video, and how it is failing. There is no secret to why Blockbuster is failing, because of technology. This video store use to be a monopoly of video rentals, but now it seems like it is on the outside looking in. Netflix and Red box seem to be taking over, not to mention the cable companies that can use movies to increase their revenue as well. Moving forward, Blockbuster filed for bankruptcy on September 23, but because of lenders were able to erase a billion dollars worth of debt. There is no question blockbuster is behind in the technology race, as Red box has three times as more Kiosks, and Netflix has had a six year head start and better bargains. Moving forward, Blockbuster has to find a way to compete with these companies, or they will be in even more trouble that they are already in.

1 comment:

  1. What business model would you recommend Blockbuster move to? Should it follow a more decentralized distribution model like Netflix, or find another niche not current filled? Would it be a viable competitor if it merely copied Netflix and Red Box?
