Monday, October 18, 2010

Bernanke Has A Plan

In today's speech, Mr. Bernanke announced a new "quantitative easing." In the speech, Bernanke outlined the path toward stabilization and recovery of the stagnant economy. In the plan, he described how moderate inflation would be good for the economy by making our exports cheaper and will allow people to hire more people.

"A weaker dollar helps the Fed achieve its dual mandate, by making US exporters more competitive - stimulating job creation - and by increasing inflation through higher import prices.

The dollar has lost 15% of its value against the euro since early June, on growing speculation that a slowdown in the US economy in the second half of the year would force the Fed to ease monetary conditions further."

Hopefully the inflation is not too much.


  1. This article briefly mentions putting higher taxes on imports as a way to stimulate our economy. This is a red flag - see my comment on the article above.

  2. He's using the usual tariff to increase net export and at the same time, increase the real exchange rate.
