Thursday, March 4, 2010

China Overtakes U.S. in Attracting Most Property Investment

This article further illustrates the transition of economic power away from the United States to China as they recently overtook the US for most property investments. Stringent bank lending and a slow recovery from the sub-prime mortgage crisis have caused confidence in the United States real estate market to fall heavily. Interestingly enough, eight of the world's 20 largest property markets last year were located in the Asian Pacific region and it appears that developing countries are the current hotspots for investment.

In the mean time though, it appears that real estate investments in the United States are still low however moving in the right direction as they are estimated to rise 50% this year on falling prices and an increase on distress sales.


  1. It was supposed to happen someday if we considered the population is to land ratio of both USA and China. Property price is high in countries with huge population and small land for example Hongkong,Singapore. The rising price of properties in China is not surprising but the fall of investment in USA is surprising. But the good news is the property market is recovering and we will get to see it's back on track really soon.

  2. I am not surprised to see a tremendous amount of money being poured into Asian property markets. Asian countries have fast-growing economies so there may be a lot of lucrative deals which can attract investment. On the other hand, with the current global slow-down initially sparked by the US's unstable financial market, investors have a reason to hold back there investments until they have a good idea regarding what direction the American economy is heading.
