Friday, February 5, 2010

Goldman Sach's Bonus

I think its great that they gave a smaller bonus then most originally believed. Plus it is in stock and can not sell for many years. This shows that the CEO must have confidence in the company and that they feel that the stock price will grow in the near future and that the company will be better in the near future (in my opinion). This also shows that they understand the difficult climate in the economy and are not willing to shell out millions of dollars for one position. I think this was a great showing by them and many companies should follow this trend.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Goldman Sachs executives suffered from serious bonus cuts this year, along with many other companies throughout the business world. It was a question for many business people this holiday season whether a bonus would be added to their paychecks. Companies show these budget cuts as a step in the right direction because clearly, as Sean mentioned, these CEOs have serious confidence in their company's stock growth. I believe that Goldman Sachs and other firms are making the right decisions in order to save some money in order to get their firms back in order.
