Sunday, January 31, 2010

Stimulus funds nearly 600,000 jobs last quarter

This article, by Tami Luhby, is about the large effect the stimulus package had on the U.S. economy. Overall, the stimulus raised employment from 1.5 to 2 million jobs, and this figure doesn't take into account the jobs created from people spending tax cuts and companies spending on supplies for stimulus projects. The problem, however, is that there are many errors in the study and many republicans question its validity.

1 comment:

  1. What am I missing, I understand that these numbers do no tally in for jobs created indirectly but still the math seems flawed:

    If reciepts equal $263.3 billion and this directly funded 599,108 jobs in the 4th q then...

    $263,300,000,000/ 599,108jobs = $439,486.70 a job

    From my perspective that seems like a lot of cushion... hope Obama hooks me up when I graduate.
