Monday, February 6, 2023

Potential drop in inflation due to IMF growth in the global economy

  The International Money Fund is projected to have an uplifting growth this year, but some determining factors will be Russia's invasion on Ukraine and higher interest rates. The global economy is projected to grow 2.9% this year based on latest economic update. However, expansion could still cause that number to fall by 3.4%. Due to the United States expected domestic factors, the global economy is predicted to do better-than-expected. 

    However though, there are still a lot of deteriorating factors that could come into play easily in these next few months. For example, Russia's invasion on Ukraine could raise the prices of energy and good causing markets inflation to be worse than expected. Also, China's covid reopening could stall, and inflation could overall just remain high. 


  1. Why exactly is the IMF expected to grow? Are member countries increasing their contributions, because that's the only way the IMF could grow. Or do you mean that the IMF's aid packages are expected to create economic growth in host countries? It's not clear what you mean by drawing the comparison between IMF growth and the global economy.

  2. It is very important to touch on the topic of inflation right now as it has kind of been all over the place the past couple years and continues to disrupt our economy in numerous ways. My article also had a lot to do with inflation so seeing something touching on that a bit more is helping me to understand why the things that happened in the article I touched on happened. I am however wondering why the IMF is going to grow specifically?
