Thursday, February 9, 2023

Black women are gaining ground in the labor market but still face unique barriers

Black women have led propelled the decrease in the overall Black unemployment rate. From December 2022 (5.5%) to January 2023 (4.7%), there has been a (-0.8%) decrease in the unemployment rate among Black women compared to Black men from December 2022 (5.3%) to January 2023 (5.1%) with only a (-0.2%) decrease in their overall unemployment rate. However, both the rate of unemployment for all Black people and for women specifically are at their lowest levels in more than a year. All other ethnicities unemployment rates have increased during the time period of December 2022-January 2023 yet, Black workers still have the highest unemployment rate when compared with other ethnicities including White, Asian, and Hispanic/Latino workers. Two issues that have contributed to the imbalance the unemployment rate in Black people in the labor force and that might explain why it's much higher compared to other ethnicities might be discrimination in the hiring process and the increased likelihood of layoffs Black workers experience.

1 comment:

  1. Discrimination in the hiring process and an increased likelihood of layoffs has been a consistent issue for time and time again. With that being said, what do you think was different this past year specifically that accounted for a lone increase in unemployment rate?
