Sunday, October 20, 2019

US housing starts fall from a 12-year high

U.S. homebuilding tumbled from a more than a 12-year high in September, but single-family home construction rose for a fourth straight month.  The housing market seems to remain supported by lower mortgage rates even as the economy is slowing. Economists expect a mild rebound in residential investment in the third quarter after it contracted for six straight quarters, the longest such stretch since the 2007-2009 recession. What do you think of the recent decline in the housing market? is it anything that the U.S. needs to worry about in the short term?


  1. I think that people are iffy to make long term investment decisions right now in the state of the economy. Though there have been favorable unemployment percentages, the uncertainty of where the U.S. economy is headed has had an impact on how consumers are behaving.

  2. I agree with Nick. The public is being flooded with news that claims the US is going into a recession and that a recession is looming. When politicians are constantly claiming that the economy is going to be in a recession at any moment, businesses and consumers are hesitant to make any large investments. The public is going to continue to protect themselves as if a recession is coming, and it is eventually going to lead the US into a recession because in this case, investment is going to fall.

  3. Also supply at the entry level of the housing market is especially low which could further help consumers to make the decision not to invest.
