Monday, October 21, 2019

Unexpected Decreases in Retail Sales

Retail sales decreasing is a sign on what to expect in the U.S economy. Consumption is a Huge piece of U.S GDP. If consumption begins to decrease, the chances of a recession is happening is high. Economist expected retail sales to increase by 0.2% in the month of September, but instead retail sales dropped 0.3%. In the article it mentioned auto sales and service stations dropping in September. They said "Auto sales fell 0.9% in September, the most in eight months, while receipts at service stations fell 0.7% in what likely reflects cheaper gasoline.." This shows if auto sales are effected, will also affect service stations. September is the first month in seven, where retail sales have dropped. Be attentive, because there looks like a recession is coming soon than later.  

1 comment:

  1. With consumer confidence dropping, this is a likely outcome. Consumption will fall and, in turn, affect many of these sales sectors.
