Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Fiat-Chrysler and Peugeot set to merge in $50 bn total value deal

BBC Article

Though discussions are still in the early stages and there are still no guarantees of a deal, such a merge of the two groups would create the fourth largest manufacturer in the automobile industry. As car makers are looking to have to make huge investments to edge into the electrical market, especially as emission reduction regulations tighten, merging to increase economies of scale seems to be quite a viable and sound decision for these companies.This merger proposal comes only months after Fiat-Chrysler withdraws its bid for Renault. It will be interesting to see if the deal goes through, and if so, the ramifications on the auto industry, especially for technological innovation.


  1. It makes sense that Fiat-Chrysler would push for a merge with Peugeot after they withdrew their bid for Renault. Im excited to see how the automative industry will shift in the near future due to the advanced technology.

  2. I think this merger would benefit Fiat-Chrysler and bring in a lot more consumers. A lot of people in the recent years are switching to electric vehicles for environmental reasons. Fiat-Chrysler would not only become a larger, more popular company but would also be the next car company to step foot in the electric vehicle market.
