Friday, December 1, 2017

Russia Developing Global ICO Ratings Standard and Investment Restrictions

The Russian Association of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (RACIB) has just recently announced that they intend on developing a uniform rating standard for ICOs. The director of RACIB has publically announced that Russia “will become the first in the world standard of ratings in the field of ICO,” while further noting that such procedures are applicable to other nations as well. Such an association was reportedly formed in order to combat conflated ratings originating from unknown sources regarding ICO rankings. In order to develop a sufficient global standard, RACIB has joined a coalition of thirty other organizations from what they consider the most prominent players in the cryptocurrency market.
Additionally, Vladimir Putin’s advisor on Internet development, Herman Klimenko, commented that NACIB is considering placing restrictions on ICO investments within the central bank. This would most likely be done in the form of initial investment ceilings, and further yearly quotas. It should be noted that the state will not legalize superfluous crowdsourcing of money, but may consider to let small to medium size businesses raise funds in this manner. It will be interesting to see how the cryptocurrency market further fluctuates with the heightened international discussion of government regulation.

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