Saturday, October 28, 2017

With the revelation that the special prosecutor Robert Mueller will hand out the first indictments, this has greatly increased the volatility in which the stability of the U.S. government is viewed.  As such this may make many see in an in the stability of the U.S. government.  If this instability continues then it could be quite possible that the stock market takes another dive, similar to the one it took this past May when Robert Mueller was named the special prosecutor.  Investors detest instability and as such we may see U.S. government-backed securities to be sold off to a certain degree, or possibly, even more, to be bought as some may think this will warrant a higher yield on the bonds.  Such actions may have repercussions in international markets as well as this may lead to change with the U.S. relationship with Russia and other countries may want to consider how they deal with a U.S. President who may not be around for much longer.

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